After about lopping off my finger this evening with a glass cutting wheel- My Fiddlehead Box vision is coming together for the Art of the Wild show- now to cast the base in glass. These boxes will have different poetic messages about the wilderness inside each box. All the lid elements are cast crystal. On second thought... maybe I should have posted a of photo of my bloody pinky finger? Quite disgusting and entertaining.. I'm doing it... Went shopping for boats today... Yes, I'm a dreamer however this IS a very well executed decision/plan. I advise everyone to fulfill their life ambitions and not let fear control your thoughts. If you would like to tell me this is a stupid idea- you may do so this summer, whilst sitting on the stern of the vessel drinking wine and dining on fresh caught dungeness crab. Yes, we will debate it then ;) Will post photos and boat-warming party evites as soon as key's are in hand. Laying in bed thinking about my favorite drunk. Hemingway that is...... He had the profound gift to transcend thoughts into words.. Such an intelligent man; he appeared to have such clarity in many aspects of human emotions, yet fought his own demons armed with a bottle. Did the Mojito's give him enough clarity to write pure enough to live in the moment, and distill his thoughts?
My list of favorite Hemingway quotes: "Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know" "The best way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them" "I drink to make other people more interesting" -I find this one to be hilarious, cause 90% of the general population bore me! If I consider you a friend, apparently you are to me- Crazy Good. "The terrible mood of depression of whether its any good or not is what is known as The Artist's Reward." A toast and nod of approval to you Hemingway, for your bravery in telling the truth! This is Corey's "Malling Bear" Yes, it is a life size grizzly! When Corey told me about the concept of having the bear represent the gluttony of a materialistic society. (especially California) I couldn't resist helping her with this project. I don't know if you can see from the photo, the bear in the glass cathedral window is shopping at a mall. Hence, the word play in "mauling"
She will have professional photos shot soon... Until then, you will need to travel to LA to see the scale of this piece. Eddie tells me my questions are within questions. I guess I try to gain as much insight as possible, and live a life of understanding and compassion. Yet, I don't want to be so open minded my brain falls out!
It's always hard to find that balance and remain fearless without being abrasive. While I have a moment, I'll tell everyone what I've been up to today. Fiddleheads! Yep, working on the components for a box with these lovely spirals. Also, a crystal slug that will have a secret message written on the side of a blown vessel. Stopped to chat with my friend and artist Venka Panye. Her watercolors look like beautiful foliage batiks, and has the same wilderness area as I do. After laughing so hard I couldn't view my phones screen to text her, she named me the "Trapper Creek Freak" -cause I'm freakin' about the deadline for the Art of the Wild show. Venka's webpage: Venka Panye_ Visited Port Townsend today, and hiked all around Fort Worden. I was about a year older than Ian when I was first shown the freakishly cool bunkers built in 1902. As a teen, Fort Worden was my favorite summer beach to escape to. Some of the best times of my life were spent packing up a jug of iced tea and spending the day at the beach. If you haven't been to Fort Worden, its worth a ferry ride and drive. Don't forget your flashlight to explore the dark narrow passages of the bunkers on the hill. I got Mother's Day bonus points for showing Ian the inside of the Dan Harpole Cistern. The acoustic reverb in it is amazing! check out bunker photos here! Today is the opening for the installation of Malling Bear. I helped Corey with the glass components, and wish I could be in L.A. with her today.
Corey- Congratulations, hugs to you for gettin' it done, and puttin' it out! I'll have photos of the bear coming along with some great stories about the madness in making it.. Here is a link: Crazy busy day; and naturally, I only accomplished half my agenda I had in mind this am. Some days I wish I had an extra arm or tail or something..... Biggest accomplishment- is working on a fused glass piece with my son. We delivered it to the kiln this evening.. I'm testing out a new variety of glass, System 96. My reasoning for the experiment is that System 96 is locally made glass and recommended for students. If all goes well, I'll be able to teach the next generation of glass artists in Edmonds. Super Cool! The earlier kiddo's are exposed to a different art medium, the anxiety working with that material is diminished, and creativity emerges.
(btw~ this was supposed to be posted a few days ago; just didn't have time to post) |