It's raining today, and I'm outside investing plaster and working wax . Too messy to do inside.
Good times!
Not necessarily the best weather for what I'm doing, however I set a timeline for myself and am sticking to it!
Sometimes we must do things that are not pleasant for the sake of hitting a timeline.
Positive attitude is everything while getting soaked- For encouragement and inspiration, I think of Van Gogh, and his plein air paintings; enjoying nature and creating.
Below is a less known Van Gogh nocturnal series of "Starry Night", he painted it outside on the banks of the Rhone river.
The more popular Starry Night" (the town scene) was painted in the confines of the Saint-Remy-de-Provence insane asylum - A view from his barred window. (Second image).
I'm drawn to the Rhome river painting more so than the town scene... The "Starry Night" in town, the sky's movement/brush strokes give the impression of turmoil, (with obvious reason). The Rhone river, and yes I like the water; the stars appear to be happy and winking to the water.
Good times!
Not necessarily the best weather for what I'm doing, however I set a timeline for myself and am sticking to it!
Sometimes we must do things that are not pleasant for the sake of hitting a timeline.
Positive attitude is everything while getting soaked- For encouragement and inspiration, I think of Van Gogh, and his plein air paintings; enjoying nature and creating.
Below is a less known Van Gogh nocturnal series of "Starry Night", he painted it outside on the banks of the Rhone river.
The more popular Starry Night" (the town scene) was painted in the confines of the Saint-Remy-de-Provence insane asylum - A view from his barred window. (Second image).
I'm drawn to the Rhome river painting more so than the town scene... The "Starry Night" in town, the sky's movement/brush strokes give the impression of turmoil, (with obvious reason). The Rhone river, and yes I like the water; the stars appear to be happy and winking to the water.